Woad King Darius – Buy LoL Skin | SmurfMania.com

woad king darius

Woad King Darius Review

Welcome to the League of Legends universe, where champions don fierce armor, brandish mighty weapons, and battle it out in the Summoner’s Rift. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of one such champion skin, Woad King Darius. Released on June 16, 2013, as a regular skin priced at 975 RP, this skin is sure to catch the eye of Darius mains and collectors alike.


Darius’s story takes us into the heart of the Woad tribes, where the path to kingship isn’t a mere walk in the park. To be declared a king, a Woad tribesman must embark on a daring quest: venturing alone into the lair of a glacial hydra and returning with one of its heads. Remarkably, Darius accomplished this feat not once, but nine times. It’s a tale that cements his status as the Woad King, and this skin pays homage to his legendary journey.

Concept and Inspiration

The concept behind Woad King Darius draws inspiration from the iconic Scottish hero, William Wallace, portrayed in the movie “Braveheart.” Darius dons the image of a Celtic warrior, adorned in ornate gold-decorated armor and fur. His weapon, a fearsome axe, bears the same regal embellishments, signifying his royal status. Notably, instead of a conventional shoulder pad, Darius wears the fearsome head of a wolf, adding a ferocious touch to his appearance. The skin beautifully captures the essence of Braveheart’s heroism and determination.

Design, Sound Effects, and Animations

Riot Games spared no effort in revamping Darius’s look for Woad King Darius. The skin introduces a completely new model for Darius and his menacing axe. The champion’s attire, a fusion of Celtic and warrior aesthetics, is highlighted by gold accents and the imposing wolf head. It’s a tribute to William Wallace, the renowned Scottish hero who inspired the skin’s creation.

The skin also brings forth a flurry of new features. Ice particles trail behind Darius’s axe during auto-attacks and ability usage, giving a chilling, dynamic effect. The blue flames that envelop Darius add a captivating visual element to his abilities. It’s a skin that truly transforms Darius into the Woad King, complete with the regal aura and menacing presence.

Moreover, Woad King Darius boasts a captivating recall animation that adds a unique touch to the skin. It’s these small details that elevate the overall gaming experience, making it a skin worth considering for any Darius enthusiast.

Unique Features

Now, let’s dive deeper into what makes Woad King Darius stand out:

  • Visual Appeal: The skin’s aesthetic, especially the intricately designed armor and axe, is visually striking and impressive. It pays a fitting tribute to the Braveheart inspiration.
  • Badass Passive Effect: Darius’s passive effect in this skin is nothing short of badass. It adds an extra layer of appeal to his brutal playstyle, making it a delight to dominate foes.
  • Distinct Recall Animation: The recall animation is a strong point of the skin. It’s not just a simple recall; it’s a statement, reinforcing Darius’s royal stature.

On the flip side, there’s room for improvement. The choice of red particle effects, while intense, might leave some players wanting more uniqueness. Imagine blue-colored effects for Darius’s five-stack bleed; it could have elevated the skin’s appeal even further.

Obtainability in 2023

In 2023, you can easily obtain the Woad King Darius skin from the Riot store for 975 RP. It’s a reasonable price to pay for the transformative experience it brings to your Darius gameplay.

Gamers Feedback

Woad King Darius receives mixed reviews from LoL players. While many appreciate its visual design, passive effect, and recall animation, there’s a consensus that the choice of red particle effects is a drawback. Some players also feel that the weapon design falls short of expectations.

“That passive tho, looks amazing!!”

“Glad to see Darius can at least move during his wind-up Q. That at least keeps some options open.”

“Before his q has ice on it, but not anymore”

My Feedback

I must say, I find the visual design of Woad King Darius to be quite appealing. The combination of Celtic and warrior elements, along with the wolf head, adds a captivating touch. Darius’s regal presence on the battlefield is undeniable.

Personally, I think Darius’s passive effect in this skin looks badass and adds to the overall appeal. It’s satisfying to watch those stacks build up on your foes.

I also appreciate the recall animation. It’s not just a mundane recall; it’s a moment where Darius truly embraces his role as the Woad King. It’s a small detail, but it adds a unique touch to the overall experience.

However, I do share a slight disappointment with the choice of red particle effects. While they are undeniably intense, I would have liked to see more unique effects, perhaps blue-colored ones for Darius’s five-stack bleed. It could have enhanced the skin’s appeal and added a touch of variety.

Conclusion and Rating

In conclusion, if you’re a fan of Darius and appreciate the lore and aesthetics of the Woad King, this skin is a solid choice. It captures the spirit of Braveheart and transforms Darius into a regal warrior.

However, when compared to other Darius skins like Dunkmaster and Bioforge, I believe that Woad King Darius may not surpass them in terms of overall quality. While it has its merits, particularly in terms of visual appeal, passive effect, and recall animation, it falls short in terms of particle effects and the design of Darius’s weapon, at least according to my personal preferences.

I’d rate Woad King Darius a 7 out of 10. It’s a great skin, but it may not be my top choice among Darius skins, especially when compared to others. Ultimately, individual preferences play a significant role in determining whether this skin is worth acquiring. If the Braveheart-inspired theme resonates with you, don’t hesitate to add it to your collection.


What is Woad King Darius in League of Legends?

Woad King Darius is a skin for the champion Darius in League of Legends. It was released on June 16, 2013, and it costs 975 RP. The skin is inspired by Celtic and Scottish themes, particularly the movie “Braveheart.”

What makes Woad King Darius unique?

This skin is known for its impressive visual design, including ornate armor, a fearsome axe, and a wolf head shoulder pad. It also features a badass passive effect and a distinctive recall animation, making it stand out among Darius skins.

How can I obtain Woad King Darius in 2023?

In 2023, you can easily purchase Woad King Darius from the Riot store for 975 RP, making it readily available for Darius players and collectors.

What are the pros and cons of Woad King Darius according to player feedback?

Players generally appreciate the skin’s visual design and the satisfaction of Darius’s passive effect. However, some players have noted that the choice of red particle effects and the design of his weapon may not meet all expectations.

How does Woad King Darius compare to other Darius skins?

Woad King Darius is a solid skin for fans of Darius and its theme, but it may not surpass other Darius skins like Dunkmaster and Bioforge in terms of overall quality. Individual preferences play a significant role in determining whether this skin is the right choice for you.