Annie in Wonderland Review
Hello to all League of Legends skin lovers! Now you will dive into the fascinating world of the Annie in Wonderland skin. This is a legendary skin, released on August 16, 2010, which embodies a part of the fairy tale reality of Lewis Carroll’s book. So for the fans of “Alice in Wonderland” this skin may be of great interest, and I will try to reveal all its aspects in this article. Let’s dive the rabbit hole together and find out how good this skin is!
One day, Annie was walking in the footsteps of Tibbers and accidentally fell down the rabbit hole. Thus began her story of adventures in Wonderland. She immediately wanted to stay in this beautiful and interesting place, because her favorite plush animals live there. As you have already guessed, this skin was inspired by Lewis Carroll’s book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Annie in Wonderland is of course represented as the protagonist of this fairy tale, and her Tibbers… The ferocious bear has now become a little crazy, because he’s now transformed into the famous White Rabbit. Isn’t that an interesting concept?
Concept and Inspiration
Annie in Wonderland is truly a quality adaptation of a literary work. Designers clearly were very familiar with the book by Lewis Carroll, because this skin has a lot of small details, obvious only to fans of the fairy tale. In general, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” is a world classic, popular in many countries, and I personally was pleased to see such a high quality skin inspired by this story.
Design, sound effects and animation

In the splash art, you can see Annie in the purple Alice dress. Tibbers is represented as a huge, scary bear with bunny ears on his head. He is dressed in a red costume, the same as the original rabbit from Carroll’s fairy tale. He looks a little crazy, holding Annie in one hand and the famous watch in the other. There are bright flames emanating from him, and he looks really intimidating. Also, it’s worth to mention an interesting detail in Annie in Wonderland’s image. On her back there’s a backpack, with a horrible Cheshire Cat’s face on it! All in all, the skin is fascinating, and you can see more details and references to the original book.
It’s sad, but the developers still haven’t updated the animations and particles for this skin. This is strange because this skin is legendary and costs 1820 RP, which is a pretty hefty price. Perhaps Riot thinks that the original fire particles are appropriate for this skin. Nevertheless, I would love to see the new return animation. Also, there are wonderful scenes from books and movies related to teleportation or something similar to it. Either way, this is an amazing skin that all fans of this wonderful tale will enjoy.
Unique Features
“Annie in Wonderland” stands out among other skins for several reasons:
A charming concept based on the classic “Alice in Wonderland” story.
Significant changes to Annie and Tibbers’ models.
Intricate details in character design, such as the Cheshire Cat backpack and the White Rabbit teddy bear.
An appealing splash screen that transports the viewer into the mystical atmosphere of Wonderland.
Despite the lack of new particles, animations and sounds, the unique visual appeal of the skin more than makes up for it.
Annie in Wonderland stands out among many skins, great attention to detail in design. And here are the main reasons why you may like this skin:
Adorable Concept. The designers of the skin were inspired by the great novel by Lewis Carroll, and made many references in the Annie and Tibbers model.
Tibbers now looks even more intimidating! If you’ve read the original book or watched one of the movie adaptations, you probably remember the madness of the White Rabbit.
The splash art captures the fantastic atmosphere of Wonderland. The giant mushrooms in the background are proof of that.
The lack of new animations and sounds does not embarrass at all, because the standard Annie is already a little girl.
How to get it
Now, the big question is how do you get Annie in Wonderland into your collection? There are two ways. You can purchase the skin for 1820 RP in the official in-game store. But since it’s a legendary skin, you can only do that when the legacy vault will be open again. If you don’t want to wait, is sure to have an account with a skin already activated. Either way, it’s up to you!
Gamer Reviews
In general, League of Legends fans have warmly received this skin and praised it for its creative design:
“I reread Alice in Wonderland dozens of times as a kid, so I was very excited about this skin! Tibbers is incredible!” – Summoner A
“The attention to detail on this skin is amazing! It makes Annie’s game even more enjoyable!” – LoL_Master47
“I appreciated the backpack as the Cheshire Cat) I wish he could still talk)” – Summoner A
My Review
I am not a fan of this tale, however, I have read it, and I found this fairy tale world interesting. The fantasy component fits well into the League of Legends world, so this skin can be called a good realization of the Good Idea. So, I bought Annie in Wonderland and I enjoy playing as him sometimes. I especially like Tibbers – a very cool partner!
Conclusion and Rating
In conclusion, we can say that Annie in Wonderland is just a great skin in terms of design. I think we all love well-designed skins, with attention to detail. Watching them, you can clearly see the efforts of artists and designers, and it’s winning. This skin for Annie is one of those skins, which makes it very cool.
As the owner of Annie in Wonderland, I do not see any significant flaws in it. Therefore, my rating of this skin is 8 points out of 10. So, I advise you to get it, especially if you like playing as Annie.
What is the concept and inspiration behind the Annie in Wonderland skin?
Annie in Wonderland is an adaptation of the Alice in Wonderland fairy tale. Annie is Alice, Tibbers is the White Rabbit. Incredibly bizarre skin.
What changes does the Annie in Wonderland skin include?
The skin includes major changes to Annie and Tibbers models, an Alice-style outfit, and a Cheshire Cat backpack, but no new particles, animations, or sounds.
The main changes affect Annie and Tibbers’ models, and now they look even more fabulous. Unfortunately, there are no new particles or animations.
What makes Annie in Wonderland unique among other skins?
A unique concept based on a real piece of literature.
How can I get the “Annie in Wonderland” skin?
You can purchase the skin for 1820 RP from the official in-game store or the website. In our store, you will find an account with a skin already activated!
What do gamers think of the Annie in Wonderland skin?
In general, League of Legends fans have warmly received this skin and praised it for its creative design. Many like the combination of League of Legends and fairy tale.