Hextech Alistar – Buy LoL Skin | SmurfMania.com

hextech alistar

Hextech Alistar Review

Hey there, fellow summoners! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the electrifying world of Hextech Alistar, one of the Mythic skins in League of Legends. This skin made its grand entrance into the League universe on March 26, 2018, and it’s been turning heads ever since. So, what’s all the buzz about? Let’s break it down, starting with the lore.


Picture a fusion of groundbreaking hextech technology and Piltovian machinery, and you’ve got Alistar, a living marvel created by Runeterra’s most skilled artificers. This remarkable being has a singular purpose: to safeguard the secrets of artificial life. Anyone seeking to exploit the methods behind its creation meets a swift and crushing end. Talk about fierce dedication!

Concept and Inspiration

When it comes to Hextech Alistar, you’re not just getting a skin – you’re stepping into the shoes of a true Hextech creature. Imagine Alistar, reborn with a dazzling blend of revolutionary technology and Piltovian innovation. This skin takes our beloved Minotaur and cranks up the epic factor to a whole new level.

Design, Sound Effects, and Animations

Alright, let’s talk visuals. The splash art alone is enough to make you do a double-take. It showcases the final step of Alistar’s transformation – his revitalization. This dude is huge, with electric discharges crackling from his body, giving off an awe-inspiring vibe. In-game, you’ll notice a striking blue and gold color palette, accompanied by geometric armor pieces that just ooze style. But the real show-stoppers are the gigantic gears inside Hextech Alistar, constantly in motion as part of this incredible mechanism.

But it’s not just about looking good – it’s about feeling powerful. Hextech Alistar packs new animations, particles, and sound effects that take his abilities to the next level. Pulverize, for instance, unleashes a dazzling explosion of hextech links, leaving behind sparkling blue remnants that scream, “I’m a force to be reckoned with!” And let’s not forget the recall animation – Hextech Alistar yanks massive chains from the ground, charges them with electric energy, and teleports like a boss. Activating Unbreakable Will creates a pulsating blue aura that swirls around him, adding an extra layer of badassery to his kit. Oh, and the sounds? Metal clanking and echoing, perfectly complementing this hextech monstrosity.

Unique Features

Now, let’s zoom in on what makes Hextech Alistar truly unique:

  • Rotating Gears: You can’t help but marvel at those enormous gears churning away inside Hextech Alistar. It’s like you’re controlling a living, breathing machine on the battlefield.
  • Colorful Heal Effects: The heal effects are a burst of vibrant colors that pop, adding a touch of excitement to your gameplay. It’s the little details like this that make you appreciate the skin’s visual flair.
  • Aesthetics that Pop: The blue and gold color scheme, the intricate geometric armor, and the overall look of Hextech Alistar just scream “cool.” It’s like having a high-tech Minotaur on your side.

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Some players have expressed a bit of disappointment in the absence of voice filtering or distinct voice changes typically associated with higher-tier skins. It’s a small hiccup in an otherwise impressive package, but it’s worth noting.

Obtainability in 2023

Alright, you’re probably wondering how to add this electrifying skin to your collection in 2023. The good news is, it’s still possible! You can obtain the Hextech Alistar skin through the Hextech crafting system. All you need are 10 Rare gemstones, and you’ll unlock this beauty.

Gamers Feedback

Hextech Alistar has received a mixed response from the League of Legends community. While some players appreciate its unique visual elements and aesthetics, others are disappointed by its value, particularly considering its 10-gemstone cost. The absence of voice changes and concerns about Alistar’s simple kit for skin creativity have been common points of contention among players.

“I like this Hextech skin the best, the rotating gear inside him, the Q, and the passive look awesome.”

“I think Riot faces a dilemma with Alistar skins; any new Alistar skin is negligible because Moo Cow Alistar exists.”

“Alright, I have to ask… why do NONE of these MYTHIC quality skins have voice filters? Feels kind of weird to have these Hextech robots speak in a fleshy voice.”

“Doesn’t make much sense that those moving parts keep moving when he’s dead. Come on riot, put some effort into the skins that are earned.”

My Feedback

Now, let’s chat about my personal take on Hextech Alistar. First off, I’ve got to say that this skin has some serious visual appeal. Those rotating gears, the colorful heal effects, and the overall aesthetics are a treat for the eyes. It’s like taking Alistar to the future, and I’m here for it.

However, there’s a tiny bump in the road. The lack of voice filtering or significant voice changes, which are common in higher-tier skins, did leave me wanting a bit more. It’s not a deal-breaker, but it would’ve added that extra layer of immersion.

Conclusion and Rating

In conclusion, Hextech Alistar is a skin that packs a punch in terms of style and aesthetics. It’s a visual delight, and if you’re a fan of champion Alistar, you’ll likely appreciate the effort that went into crafting this skin. However, it doesn’t quite maintain its initial wow factor throughout every aspect. Some abilities may feel a tad weaker than expected, while others shine brilliantly. It’s good, very good even, but it might not be the absolute must-have skin you’d initially expect. Nevertheless, considering its availability and the cool factor, I’d give Hextech Alistar a solid 7 out of 10.

So there you have it, summoners! Whether you’re chasing the electrifying thrill of Hextech Alistar or exploring other awesome skins like Ahri’s, League of Legends keeps the excitement alive. Until next time on the Rift, stay fierce and game on!


What is Hextech Alistar in League of Legends?

Hextech Alistar is a Mythic skin in League of Legends that combines hextech technology and Piltovian machinery to transform Alistar into a high-tech Minotaur.

How can I obtain Hextech Alistar in 2023?

You can obtain Hextech Alistar through the Hextech crafting system by collecting 10 Rare gemstones.

What are the unique features of Hextech Alistar?

Unique features include rotating gears inside Alistar, colorful heal effects, and a striking blue and gold color scheme, making the skin visually appealing.

Does Hextech Alistar have voice changes or filters?

No, Hextech Alistar does not have voice filtering or distinct voice changes, which some players have expressed disappointment about.

What is the overall rating and feedback for Hextech Alistar?

The skin has received mixed feedback, with some players appreciating its aesthetics, while others find its value questionable. It has been rated 7 out of 10 for its visual appeal and availability.